Soal CPNS TOEFL Practice Test Section 2: Structure

Section 2: Structure
This section is desig ned to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriate
for standard written English.

 1.  The Eiffel To wer ___________ Par is, France.
a. land marks
b.  is land marked in
c.  is a landmar k in
d.  is in a landmark

 2.  Young deer _________.
a. are called fawns
b. be fawns
c. is fawns
d.  are fawns called

 3.  Not until a dog is several mo nths old does it begin to exhibit signs of
independence ___________.
a. it s mo ther fro m
b. from mo ther
c. to mo ther
d.  from it s mot he r

 4.  The Treasur y Depar tment  is t ake a new look at regulatio ns limiting the  nu mber
a.                                                           b.
of interest that bank and  savings, and loan associations  .can pay on depo sits.   
c.                                       d

 5.  Him should  be careful with that vase because   it  i s ve ry old  and extremely
 a.              b.                                           c.               d.
fragi le.

 6.  The repair shop  .keep my cassette player for six weeks befor e  returning it,
a                                                            b.
 nevertheless,  it still does not work properly.
c.                d.

 7.  To score a goal in so ccer you ________.
a.  must k ick the ball
b.  must k icks the ball
c.  may kick them ball
d.  must k ick them balls

8.  The obser vatio n deck at the Sears Tower  _________ in Chicago.
a.  is highest than any o ther one
b.  is highest than any other one
c.  is higher  than any o ther o ne
d.  is higher  that any other one

9.  If it _________ so cloudy, we wo uld plan o n having the fair o utside.
a. was
b. was no t
c. weren’t 
d. had not

 10. At the 1984 Democratic National Convention in San Francisco, Gerald ine Ferraro
became the first wo man _________ for the vice pr esidency.
a. to being nominated
b.  to has been nominated
c.  to have been no minated
d.  to will be nominated

 11. Pear l  Buck,  a recip ient of the Nobel Peace Pr ize  for Literature in 1938  .strove
a.                                               b.                           c
to bring und erstanding and peace  .on everyo ne.  

 12. In most  circumstances  the person that owns the pr operty  can claim the rights
a.                                            b.
as money made  from dr illing oil on their property.  
c.                   d.

 13.  _______ choco late will give you a tummy ache. 
a. Eat too mu ch
b.  Eating to much
c.  Eating too much
d.  Eating too many

 14. If she ____________ to advance her clock one hour, she wouldn’t have been late
for work.
a. sho uld have r emembered
b. co uld remembered
c. remember ed
d.  would have remembered  

 15. It  was o bvio us fro m his response in the press conference     that the cand idate
 a.                                                                        b.
prepare his answers  well.  
c.                         d.

 16. A dream about falling _________. 
a. scary is
b. is scary
c.  are scary 
d.  very scar y is

 17. George Washingto n _________first U. S. President.
a. was the
b. became 
c. were the
d. are the

18. Amelia Earhart was _______________ to pilot her plane acro ss the Atlantic
a.  the first and a wo man
b.  the first woman
c. who  the fir st woman
d.  the wo man who  first

 19.  Cr awfish farming  have been practiced in south Louisiana  for many   years.  
a.                      b.                                                   c.          d.

20. The main  pur pose  of this class is to  help you better understand the  history of
a.                    b.                                        c.
there co untry, and how  it c ame t o be.

 21. ____________ a tree can be grown from a seedling. 
a.  That is generally believed
b. Believed generally is
c.  Generally believed it is 
d.  It is generally believed that

 22. The White Rose Bridge,  .which close today, for  resurfacing will not be  open
a                             b.                             c.
for  two months.  

 23.  When I jo ined the staff  of the newspaper, I  .were taught to write short,
a.                             b.                        c
powerful  headlines.
24.  Since the official school colors  are red and white,  all o f us  has worn red and
a.                                        b.                       c.         d.
white to the champ ionship game.  

25. The poverty level in the United State is cur rently set __________________.
a.  at 12,000 dollars o r less.
b.  as 12,000 dollars o r less. 
c.  at 12,000 dollar s as less
d.  at 12,000 dollar or less.